
    • 업무명     : KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용하여 내삽 방법 (Inverse Distance Weighting, Linear Interpolation)에 따른 전처리 및 가시화

    • 작성자     : 이상호

    • 작성일     : 2020-01-03

    • 설   명      :

    • 수정이력 :




    • 안녕하세요? 기상 연구 및 웹 개발을 담당하고 있는 해솔입니다.

    • 이전 포스팅에서 역거리 가중치 (Inverse Distance Weighting) 및 선형 내삽 (Linear Interpolation) 방법을 설명했습니다. 이 방법은 간단하나 단점이 있습니다. 즉 내삽의 정확성이 다소 부정확하는 것입니다.

    • 오늘 포스팅은 KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용하여 내삽 방법 (Inverse Distance Weighting, Linear Interpolation)에 따른 전처리 및 가시화를 소개해 드리고자 합니다.


    • 추가로 최근에 사용되는 내삽 방법 (Multi level B-Spline Approximation, Kriging) 방법을 소개하오니 참고하시기 바랍니다.


    [R] KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용하여 내삽 방법 (Multi level B-Spline Approximation, Kriging)에 따른 전처리 및 가시화

    정보 업무명 : KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용하여 내삽 방법 (Multi level B-Spline Approximation, Kriging)에 따른 전처리 및 가시화 작성자 : 이상호 작성일 : 2020-04-13 설 명 : 수정이력 : 내용 [개요]..




    • KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료 및 내삽 방법 (IDW, Linear Interpolation)를 이해하기 위해서 가시화가 요구되며 이 프로그램은 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위한 소프트웨어



    • KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용한 전처리 및 가시화

    • 역거리 가중치 (Inverse Distance Weighted, IDW)를 통해 전처리 및 가시화

    • 선형 내삽 (Linear Interpolation)을 통해 전처리 및 가시화



    [활용 자료]

    • 자료명 : 초단기예보모델 (KLAPS)

    • 자료 종류 : 1100 hPa에서 지표면 온도

    • 영역 : 한반도

    • 확장자 : NetCDF

    • 기간 : 2019년 07월 03일 09시 00분 (KST)

    • 자료 설명 : 한반도 영역을 대상으로 3차원 예측자료를 생산하며 주로 한반도 영역의 3차원 분석/예측에 이용


    [자료 처리 방안 및 활용 분석 기법]

    • 없음



    • 입력 자료를 동일 디렉터리 위치

    • 소스 코드를 실행
      (Rscript Visualization_and_Preprocessing_According_to_Interpolation_Method_using_KLAPS_

    • 가시화 결과를 확인


    [사용 OS]

    • Windows10


    [사용 언어]

    • R v3.6.2

    • R Studio v1.2.5033


     소스 코드


    • 전역 설정

      • 최대 10 자리 설정

      • 메모리 설정

    # Set Option
    options(digits = 10)
    memory.limit(size = 9999999999999)


    • 라이브러리 읽기

    # Library Load


    • 위/경도 파일 읽기

    # File Geo Read
    dfGeo = data.table::fread("INPUT/klaps_reanal_lation.txt", sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
    colnames(dfGeo) = c("lon", "lat")



    • NetCDF 파일 검색

    # File NetCDF Read
    sInputFileDirName = "INPUT/*.nc"
    sFileDirName = Sys.glob(sInputFileDirName)



    • NetCDF 파일 열기

    # NetCDF File Open
    ncFile = open.nc(sFileDirName[iCount])



    • 출력/그림 파일명 설정

    # Split File Name
    sFileDirNameSplit = unlist(str_split(string = sFileDirName[iCount], pattern = "_|/|\\."))
    # Get Date Time 
    dtDateTimeUtc = lubridate::ymd_hm(sFileDirNameSplit[5])
    # Convert UTC to KST
    dtDateTimeKst = with_tz(dtDateTimeUtc, tzone = "Asia/Seoul")
    sDateTimeKst = format(dtDateTimeKst, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
    # Set Output File Name
    sOutputFileDirName = paste0("OUTPUT/", sFileDirNameSplit[2], "_", sFileDirNameSplit[4], "_", sDateTimeKst, ".csv")
    # Set Figure File Name
    sFigureType = "Ori"
    sFigureFileDirName = paste0("FIG/", sFileDirNameSplit[2], "_", sFileDirNameSplit[4], "_", sFigureType, "_", sDateTimeKst, ".png")



    • NetCDF 파일 읽기

    # NetCDF File Read
    ncData = read.nc(ncFile)
    # print(ncData)


    netcdf klps_lc05_anal_201907030000 {
    	record = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
    	n_valtimes = 1 ;
    	data_variables = 46 ;
    	namelen = 132 ;
    	charsPerLevel = 10 ;
    	x = 235 ;
    	y = 283 ;
    	levels_1 = 1 ;
    	levels_2 = 2 ;
    	levels_3 = 3 ;
    	levels_22 = 22 ;
    	levels_23 = 23 ;
    	float gh(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		gh:long_name = "Geopotential height" ;
    		gh:units = "m" ;
    		gh:udunits = "meters" ;
    		gh:uiname = "geoPotHt" ;
    		gh:valid_range = 0.f, 20000.f ;
    		gh:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		gh:_n3D = 22 ;
    		gh:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char ghLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ghInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float rh(record, levels_23, y, x) ;
    		rh:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ;
    		rh:units = "%" ;
    		rh:udunits = "percent" ;
    		rh:uiname = "rh" ;
    		rh:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		rh:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		rh:_n3D = 23 ;
    		rh:levels = "SFC  MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char rhLevels(levels_23, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char rhInventory(n_valtimes, levels_23) ;
    	float t(record, levels_23, y, x) ;
    		t:long_name = "Temperature" ;
    		t:units = "K" ;
    		t:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		t:uiname = "T" ;
    		t:valid_range = 180.f, 330.f ;
    		t:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		t:_n3D = 23 ;
    		t:levels = "SFC  MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char tLevels(levels_23, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char tInventory(n_valtimes, levels_23) ;
    	float uw(record, levels_23, y, x) ;
    		uw:long_name = "u wind component" ;
    		uw:units = "m/s" ;
    		uw:udunits = "meter/sec" ;
    		uw:uiname = "uWind" ;
    		uw:valid_range = -150.f, 150.f ;
    		uw:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		uw:_n3D = 23 ;
    		uw:levels = "SFC  MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char uwLevels(levels_23, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char uwInventory(n_valtimes, levels_23) ;
    	float vw(record, levels_23, y, x) ;
    		vw:long_name = "v wind component" ;
    		vw:units = "m/s" ;
    		vw:udunits = "meter/sec" ;
    		vw:uiname = "vWind" ;
    		vw:valid_range = -150.f, 150.f ;
    		vw:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		vw:_n3D = 23 ;
    		vw:levels = "SFC  MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char vwLevels(levels_23, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char vwInventory(n_valtimes, levels_23) ;
    	float pvv(record, levels_23, y, x) ;
    		pvv:long_name = "Pressure vertical velocity" ;
    		pvv:units = "Pa/s" ;
    		pvv:udunits = "pascal/second" ;
    		pvv:uiname = "Pvv" ;
    		pvv:valid_range = -2.5f, 2.5f ;
    		pvv:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		pvv:_n3D = 23 ;
    		pvv:levels = "SFC  MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char pvvLevels(levels_23, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char pvvInventory(n_valtimes, levels_23) ;
    	float sh(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		sh:long_name = "specific humidity" ;
    		sh:units = "kg/kg" ;
    		sh:udunits = "" ;
    		sh:uiname = "sh" ;
    		sh:valid_range = 0.f, 0.1f ;
    		sh:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		sh:_n3D = 22 ;
    		sh:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char shLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char shInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float rr(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		rr:long_name = "LAPS radar reflectivity" ;
    		rr:units = "dBZ" ;
    		rr:udunits = "" ;
    		rr:uiname = "LapsRRef" ;
    		rr:valid_range = -20.f, 80.f ;
    		rr:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		rr:_n3D = 22 ;
    		rr:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char rrLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char rrInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float ptyp(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		ptyp:long_name = "precipitation type" ;
    		ptyp:units = "none" ;
    		ptyp:udunits = "" ;
    		ptyp:uiname = "PrecipType" ;
    		ptyp:valid_range = 0.f, 20.f ;
    		ptyp:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ptyp:_n3D = 22 ;
    		ptyp:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char ptypLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ptypInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float ctyp(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		ctyp:long_name = "cloud type" ;
    		ctyp:units = "none" ;
    		ctyp:udunits = "" ;
    		ctyp:uiname = "CldType" ;
    		ctyp:valid_range = 0.f, 20.f ;
    		ctyp:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ctyp:_n3D = 22 ;
    		ctyp:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char ctypLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ctypInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float ccpc(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		ccpc:long_name = "fractional cloud cover pressure coord" ;
    		ccpc:units = "fractional" ;
    		ccpc:udunits = "" ;
    		ccpc:uiname = "FracCldCvr" ;
    		ccpc:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		ccpc:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ccpc:_n3D = 22 ;
    		ccpc:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char ccpcLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ccpcInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float cw(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		cw:long_name = "cloud liquid water" ;
    		cw:units = "grams/meter**3" ;
    		cw:udunits = "kilogram/meters3" ;
    		cw:uiname = "CldH20" ;
    		cw:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		cw:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		cw:_n3D = 22 ;
    		cw:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char cwLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char cwInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float cice(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		cice:long_name = "cloud ice" ;
    		cice:units = "grams/meter**3" ;
    		cice:udunits = "kilogram/meters3" ;
    		cice:uiname = "CldIce" ;
    		cice:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		cice:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		cice:_n3D = 22 ;
    		cice:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char ciceLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ciceInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float hyc(record, levels_22, y, x) ;
    		hyc:long_name = "hydrometeor concentration" ;
    		hyc:units = "grams/meter**3" ;
    		hyc:udunits = "kilogram/meters3" ;
    		hyc:uiname = "HmConc" ;
    		hyc:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		hyc:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		hyc:_n3D = 22 ;
    		hyc:levels = "MB 1100-50 by 50" ;
    	char hycLevels(levels_22, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char hycInventory(n_valtimes, levels_22) ;
    	float p(record, levels_2, y, x) ;
    		p:long_name = "pressure" ;
    		p:units = "Pa" ;
    		p:udunits = "pascal" ;
    		p:uiname = "atmP" ;
    		p:valid_range = 0.f, 110000.f ;
    		p:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		p:_n3D = 1 ;
    		p:levels = "SFC  FH 1500" ;
    	char pLevels(levels_2, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char pInventory(n_valtimes, levels_2) ;
    	float mslp(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		mslp:long_name = "Mean Sea Level Pressure" ;
    		mslp:units = "Pa" ;
    		mslp:udunits = "pascal" ;
    		mslp:uiname = "MSL" ;
    		mslp:valid_range = 80000.f, 110000.f ;
    		mslp:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		mslp:_n3D = 0 ;
    		mslp:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char mslpLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char mslpInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float dpt(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		dpt:long_name = "surface dewpoint temperature" ;
    		dpt:units = "K" ;
    		dpt:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		dpt:uiname = "Td" ;
    		dpt:valid_range = 180.f, 330.f ;
    		dpt:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		dpt:_n3D = 0 ;
    		dpt:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char dptLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char dptInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float pot(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		pot:long_name = "potential temperature" ;
    		pot:units = "K" ;
    		pot:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		pot:uiname = "Tp" ;
    		pot:valid_range = 180.f, 330.f ;
    		pot:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		pot:_n3D = 0 ;
    		pot:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char potLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char potInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float cc(record, levels_2, y, x) ;
    		cc:long_name = "cloud ceiling" ;
    		cc:units = "K" ;
    		cc:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		cc:uiname = "CldCeil" ;
    		cc:valid_range = 0.f, 20000.f ;
    		cc:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		cc:_n3D = 0 ;
    		cc:levels = "SFC  MSL" ;
    	char ccLevels(levels_2, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ccInventory(n_valtimes, levels_2) ;
    	float tadv(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		tadv:long_name = "temperature advection" ;
    		tadv:units = "K/s" ;
    		tadv:udunits = "Kelvin/second" ;
    		tadv:uiname = "Tadv" ;
    		tadv:valid_range = -0.02f, 0.02f ;
    		tadv:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		tadv:_n3D = 0 ;
    		tadv:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char tadvLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char tadvInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ept(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ept:long_name = "equivalent potential temperature" ;
    		ept:units = "K" ;
    		ept:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		ept:uiname = "EqPot" ;
    		ept:valid_range = 180.f, 330.f ;
    		ept:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ept:_n3D = 0 ;
    		ept:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char eptLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char eptInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ilw(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ilw:long_name = "integrated liquid water" ;
    		ilw:units = "grams/meter**3" ;
    		ilw:udunits = "kilogram/meters3" ;
    		ilw:uiname = "IntLiqH20" ;
    		ilw:valid_range = 0.f, 2000.f ;
    		ilw:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ilw:_n3D = 0 ;
    		ilw:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char ilwLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ilwInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float mcon(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		mcon:long_name = "moisture convergence" ;
    		mcon:units = "grams/meters**3" ;
    		mcon:udunits = "kilogram/meters3" ;
    		mcon:uiname = "moistConv" ;
    		mcon:valid_range = -0.01f, 0.01f ;
    		mcon:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		mcon:_n3D = 0 ;
    		mcon:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char mconLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char mconInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float pta(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		pta:long_name = "potential temperature advection" ;
    		pta:units = "K/s" ;
    		pta:udunits = "Kelvin/second" ;
    		pta:uiname = "PotTadv" ;
    		pta:valid_range = -0.02f, 0.02f ;
    		pta:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		pta:_n3D = 0 ;
    		pta:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char ptaLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ptaInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float sli(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		sli:long_name = "lifted index" ;
    		sli:units = "K" ;
    		sli:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		sli:uiname = "LftInd" ;
    		sli:valid_range = -20.f, 20.f ;
    		sli:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		sli:_n3D = 0 ;
    		sli:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char sliLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char sliInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ki(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ki:long_name = "K index" ;
    		ki:units = "K" ;
    		ki:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		ki:uiname = "KInd" ;
    		ki:valid_range = -20.f, 20.f ;
    		ki:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ki:_n3D = 1 ;
    		ki:levels = "EA" ;
    	char kiLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char kiInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ttot(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ttot:long_name = "Total totals index" ;
    		ttot:units = "K" ;
    		ttot:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		ttot:uiname = "TotInd" ;
    		ttot:valid_range = -20.f, 20.f ;
    		ttot:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ttot:_n3D = 1 ;
    		ttot:levels = "EA" ;
    	char ttotLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ttotInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float shwlt(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		shwlt:long_name = "Showalter  index" ;
    		shwlt:units = "K" ;
    		shwlt:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		shwlt:uiname = "TotInd" ;
    		shwlt:valid_range = -20.f, 20.f ;
    		shwlt:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		shwlt:_n3D = 1 ;
    		shwlt:levels = "850MB" ;
    	char shwltLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char shwltInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float hidx(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		hidx:long_name = "Heat index" ;
    		hidx:units = "K" ;
    		hidx:udunits = "degree_Kelvin" ;
    		hidx:uiname = "HeatInd" ;
    		hidx:valid_range = 270.f, 330.f ;
    		hidx:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		hidx:_n3D = 0 ;
    		hidx:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char hidxLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char hidxInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float cssi(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		cssi:long_name = "colorado severe storm index" ;
    		cssi:units = "none" ;
    		cssi:udunits = "" ;
    		cssi:uiname = "SevStInd" ;
    		cssi:valid_range = -20000.f, 20000.f ;
    		cssi:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		cssi:_n3D = 0 ;
    		cssi:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char cssiLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char cssiInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float pbe(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		pbe:long_name = "positive buoyant energy" ;
    		pbe:units = "J/kg" ;
    		pbe:udunits = "joule/Kilogram" ;
    		pbe:uiname = "PosBuoyE" ;
    		pbe:valid_range = 0.f, 6000.f ;
    		pbe:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		pbe:_n3D = 0 ;
    		pbe:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char pbeLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char pbeInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float nbe(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		nbe:long_name = "negative buoyant energy" ;
    		nbe:units = "J/kg" ;
    		nbe:udunits = "joule/Kilogram" ;
    		nbe:uiname = "NegBuoyE" ;
    		nbe:valid_range = 0.f, 6000.f ;
    		nbe:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		nbe:_n3D = 0 ;
    		nbe:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char nbeLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char nbeInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float vis(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		vis:long_name = "visibility" ;
    		vis:units = "m" ;
    		vis:udunits = "meters" ;
    		vis:uiname = "Vis" ;
    		vis:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		vis:valid_range = 0.f, 100000.f ;
    		vis:_n3D = 0 ;
    		vis:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char visLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char visInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ccov(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ccov:long_name = "LAPS cloud cover" ;
    		ccov:units = "%" ;
    		ccov:udunits = "percent" ;
    		ccov:uiname = "LapsCldCvr" ;
    		ccov:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		ccov:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ccov:_n3D = 0 ;
    		ccov:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char ccovLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ccovInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float cb(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		cb:long_name = "LAPS cloud base" ;
    		cb:units = "m" ;
    		cb:udunits = "meters" ;
    		cb:uiname = "LapsCldBase" ;
    		cb:valid_range = 0.f, 10000.f ;
    		cb:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		cb:_n3D = 0 ;
    		cb:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char cbLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char cbInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ctop(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ctop:long_name = "LAPS cloud top" ;
    		ctop:units = "m" ;
    		ctop:udunits = "meters" ;
    		ctop:uiname = "LapsCldTop" ;
    		ctop:valid_range = 0.f, 50000.f ;
    		ctop:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ctop:_n3D = 0 ;
    		ctop:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char ctopLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char ctopInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float mret(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		mret:long_name = "maximum radar echo tops" ;
    		mret:units = "m" ;
    		mret:udunits = "meters" ;
    		mret:uiname = "MaxRdrEcho" ;
    		mret:valid_range = 0.f, 50000.f ;
    		mret:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		mret:_n3D = 0 ;
    		mret:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char mretLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char mretInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float llr(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		llr:long_name = "low level reflectivity" ;
    		llr:units = "dBZ" ;
    		llr:udunits = "" ;
    		llr:uiname = "ReflectLL" ;
    		llr:valid_range = -20.f, 80.f ;
    		llr:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		llr:_n3D = 0 ;
    		llr:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char llrLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char llrInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float heli(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		heli:long_name = "helicity" ;
    		heli:units = "m2/s2" ;
    		heli:udunits = "meter2/second2" ;
    		heli:uiname = "hel" ;
    		heli:valid_range = 0.f, 1000.f ;
    		heli:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		heli:_n3D = 0 ;
    		heli:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char heliLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char heliInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float tpw(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		tpw:long_name = "integrated total precipitable water" ;
    		tpw:units = "m" ;
    		tpw:udunits = "meters" ;
    		tpw:uiname = "TotPrecipH20" ;
    		tpw:valid_range = 0.f, 0.01f ;
    		tpw:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		tpw:_n3D = 0 ;
    		tpw:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char tpwLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char tpwInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float s1hr(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		s1hr:long_name = "LAPS 60 minute snow accum." ;
    		s1hr:units = "m" ;
    		s1hr:udunits = "meters" ;
    		s1hr:uiname = "LapsSnow60" ;
    		s1hr:valid_range = 0.f, 1.f ;
    		s1hr:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		s1hr:_n3D = 0 ;
    		s1hr:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char s1hrLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char s1hrInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float stot(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		stot:long_name = "storm total snow accumulation" ;
    		stot:units = "m" ;
    		stot:udunits = "meters" ;
    		stot:uiname = "StmTotSnow" ;
    		stot:valid_range = 0.f, 10.f ;
    		stot:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		stot:_n3D = 0 ;
    		stot:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char stotLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char stotInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float pc(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		pc:long_name = "LAPS 60 minute precip. accum." ;
    		pc:units = "m" ;
    		pc:udunits = "meters" ;
    		pc:uiname = "LapsPrecip60" ;
    		pc:valid_range = 0.f, 0.1f ;
    		pc:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		pc:_n3D = 0 ;
    		pc:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char pcLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char pcInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float stpa(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		stpa:long_name = "storm total precip. accum." ;
    		stpa:units = "m" ;
    		stpa:udunits = "meters" ;
    		stpa:uiname = "StmTotPrecip" ;
    		stpa:valid_range = 0.f, 2.f ;
    		stpa:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		stpa:_n3D = 0 ;
    		stpa:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char stpaLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char stpaInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float spt(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		spt:long_name = "LAPS precip type" ;
    		spt:units = "none" ;
    		spt:udunits = "" ;
    		spt:uiname = "LapsPrecipTyp" ;
    		spt:valid_range = 0.f, 20.f ;
    		spt:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		spt:_n3D = 0 ;
    		spt:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char sptLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char sptInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float ptt(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		ptt:long_name = "LAPS precip type - LL radar ref modified" ;
    		ptt:units = "none" ;
    		ptt:udunits = "" ;
    		ptt:uiname = "LapsPrecipTypLL" ;
    		ptt:valid_range = 0.f, 7.f ;
    		ptt:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		ptt:_n3D = 0 ;
    		ptt:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char pttLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char pttInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float fd(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		fd:long_name = "Fire Index" ;
    		fd:units = "none" ;
    		fd:udunits = "" ;
    		fd:uiname = "FInd" ;
    		fd:valid_range = 0.f, 20.f ;
    		fd:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		fd:_n3D = 0 ;
    		fd:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char fdLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char fdInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float scp(record, levels_1, y, x) ;
    		scp:long_name = "snow cover percentage" ;
    		scp:units = "%" ;
    		scp:udunits = "percent" ;
    		scp:uiname = "SnCvrPer" ;
    		scp:valid_range = 0.f, 100.f ;
    		scp:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		scp:_n3D = 0 ;
    		scp:levels = "SFC" ;
    	char scpLevels(levels_1, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char scpInventory(n_valtimes, levels_1) ;
    	float smc(record, levels_3, y, x) ;
    		smc:long_name = "soil moisture" ;
    		smc:units = "m/m" ;
    		smc:udunits = "" ;
    		smc:uiname = "soilM" ;
    		smc:valid_range = 0.f, 1.f ;
    		smc:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    		smc:_n3D = 0 ;
    		smc:levels = "BLS 1 2 3" ;
    	char smcLevels(levels_3, charsPerLevel) ;
    	char smcInventory(n_valtimes, levels_3) ;
    	int valtimeMINUSreftime(n_valtimes) ;
    		valtimeMINUSreftime:units = "seconds" ;
    	double valtime(record) ;
    		valtime:long_name = "valid time" ;
    		valtime:units = "seconds since (1970-1-1 00:00:00.0)" ;
    	double reftime ;
    		reftime:long_name = "reference time" ;
    		reftime:units = "seconds since (1970-1-1 00:00:00.0)" ;
    	char origin(namelen) ;
    	char model(namelen) ;
    	float staticTopo(y, x) ;
    		staticTopo:units = "meters" ;
    		staticTopo:long_name = "Topography" ;
    		staticTopo:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    	float staticCoriolis(y, x) ;
    		staticCoriolis:units = "/second" ;
    		staticCoriolis:long_name = "Coriolis parameter" ;
    		staticCoriolis:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    	float staticSpacing(y, x) ;
    		staticSpacing:units = "meters" ;
    		staticSpacing:long_name = "Grid spacing" ;
    		staticSpacing:_FillValue = -99999.f ;
    // global attributes:
    		:cdlDate = "20020221" ;
    		:depictorName = "klps@19022779" ;
    		:projIndex = 3 ;
    		:projName = "LAMBERT_CONFORMAL" ;
    		:centralLat = 38.f ;
    		:centralLon = 126.f ;
    		:rotation = 30.f ;
    		:xMin = -0.04383551f ;
    		:xMax = 0.04585243f ;
    		:yMax = -0.614959f ;
    		:yMin = -0.7228721f ;
    		:lat00 = 31.34451f ;
    		:lon00 = 119.7993f ;
    		:latNxNy = 44.28384f ;
    		:lonNxNy = 133.6194f ;
    		:dxKm = 5.13378f ;
    		:dyKm = 5.125592f ;
    		:latDxDy = 38.02223f ;
    		:lonDxDy = 126.1543f ;


    • NetCDF 파일에서 1000 hPa의 지표면 온도 가져오기

    # Get Variable
    nTemp  = ncData[["t"]][ , , 1]


    • Data Frame 형태로 초기화

    # Set Data Frame
    dfData = data.frame(c(nTemp)) %>%
        dplyr::bind_cols(dfGeo) %>%
            nTemp = c.nTemp.
            , nLon = lon
            , nLat = lat
    # Print Data Frame



    • Data Frame를 통해 L1 전처리

      • 위도, 경도, 온도에 대한 최대값/최소값 설정

    # L1 Processing Using Data Frame
    dfDataL1 = dfData %>%
            dplyr::between(nLat, -90.0, 90.0)
            , dplyr::between(nLon, -180.0, 180.0)
            , dplyr::between(nTemp, 180.0, 330.0)
    # Print Data Frame



    • L1 자료를 통해 출력

    # Write Using L1 Data Frame 
        , file = sOutputFileDirName
        , sep = ","
        , append = FALSE
        , row.names = FALSE
        , col.names = TRUE
        , dateTimeAs = "write.csv"
        , na = NA 




    • L1 자료를 통해 L2 전처리

      • 열 변수 변경 (nTemp → nVal)
    # L2 Processing Using L1 Data Frame
    dfDataL2 = dfDataL1 %>%
        dplyr::rename(nVal = nTemp)


    • 가시화를 위한 설정

      • 컬러바 설정

      • 폰트 설정

      • 대한민국/북한/일본 Shp 파일 설정

    # Set Value for Visualization
    cbMatlab =  colorRamps::matlab.like(11)
    font = "Palatino Linotype"
    mapKor = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_KOR_shp/gadm36_KOR_1.shp")
    mapPrk = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_PRK_shp/gadm36_PRK_1.shp")
    mapJpn = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_JPN_shp/gadm36_JPN_1.shp")



    • L2 자료를 이용한 맵핑

      • 지표면 온도에 대한 점으로 맵핑

      • 대한민국/북한/일본 Shp

    # Map Visualization Using ggplot2
    ggplot() + 
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1.1) +
        theme_bw() +
        geom_point(data = dfDataL2, aes(x = nLon, y = nLat, colour = nVal), shape = 15) +
        scale_colour_gradientn(colours = cbMatlab, limits=c(285, 305), breaks = seq(285, 305, 5), na.value = cbMatlab[length(cbMatlab)]) +
        geom_sf(data = mapKor, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        geom_sf(data = mapPrk, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        geom_sf(data = mapJpn, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        metR::scale_x_longitude(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = seq(124, 132, 2), limits = c(124, 132)) +
        metR::scale_y_latitude(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = seq(32, 40, 1), limits = c(33, 39)) +
        labs(x = ""
             , y = ""
             , fill = ""
             , colour = ""
             , title  = ""
        ) +
            plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 18, color = "black")
            , axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 18, colour = "black")
            , axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black", angle = 90)
            , axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black")
            , axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black")
            , legend.position = c(1, 1.03)
            , legend.justification = c(1, 1)
            , legend.key = element_blank()
            , legend.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold")
            , legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14, colour = "black")
            , legend.background=element_blank()
            , text=element_text(family = font)
            , plot.margin = unit(c(0, 8, 0, 0), "mm")
        ) +
        ggsave(filename = sFigureFileDirName, width = 8, height = 10, dpi = 600)


    그림. 2019년 07월 03일 09시 00분에 KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료를 이용한 지표면 온도 가시화.


    • 역거리 가중치를 통해 L2 전처리

      • 내삽을 위한 위/경도 및 해상도 설정

      • 신규 격자 (spNewData)에 대해 "역거리 가중치 (IDW)" 공간 내삽 수행

    #   Inverse Distance Weighted
    sFigureType = "Idw"
    # Min/Max Longitude of the Interpolation Area
    xRange = as.numeric(c(124, 132))  
    # Min/Max Latitude of the Interpolation Area
    yRange = as.numeric(c(33, 39)) 
    # Expand Points to Grid
    spNewData = expand.grid(
        x = seq(from = xRange[1], to = xRange[2], by = 0.01)
        , y = seq(from = yRange[1], to = yRange[2], by = 0.01)
    coordinates(spNewData) = ~ x + y
    gridded(spNewData) = TRUE
    # plot(spNewData)
    # Apply IDW Model for the Data
    spDataL1 = gstat::idw(
        formula = nTemp ~ 1
        , locations = spData
        , newdata = spNewData
        , nmax = 4
    # L2 Processing Using L1 Data Frame
    dfDataL2 = spDataL1 %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
            nLon = x
            , nLat = y
            , nVal = var1.pred


    • 선형 내삽을 통해 L2 전처리

      • 내삽을 위한 위/경도 및 해상도 설정

      • 신규 격자 (nNewLon, nNewLat)에 대해 "선형 내삽" 수행

    #   Linear Interpolation
    sFigureType = "Interp"
    # Min/Max Longitude of the Interpolation Area
    xRange = as.numeric(c(124, 132))
    # Min/Max Latitude of the Interpolation Area
    yRange = as.numeric(c(33, 39))
    nNewLon = seq(from = xRange[1], to = xRange[2], by = 0.01)
    nNewLat = seq(from = yRange[1], to = yRange[2], by = 0.01)
    dfTmp = akima::interp(
        , dfData$nLat
        , dfData$nTemp
        , xo = nNewLon
        , yo = nNewLat
    # Expand Points to Grid
    spGeoData = expand.grid(nNewLon, nNewLat)
    coordinates(spGeoData) = ~ x + y
    gridded(spGeoData) = TRUE
    # L2 Processing Using L1 Data Frame
    dfDataL2 = data.frame(
        nLon = spGeoData$Var1
        , nLat = spGeoData$Var2
        , nVal = c(dfTmp$z)


    • 가시화를 위한 설정

      • 컬러바 설정

      • 폰트 설정

      • 대한민국/북한/일본 Shp 파일 설정

      • 그림 파일명 설정

    # Set Value for Visualization
    cbMatlab =  colorRamps::matlab.like(11)
    font = "Palatino Linotype"
    mapKor = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_KOR_shp/gadm36_KOR_1.shp")
    mapPrk = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_PRK_shp/gadm36_PRK_1.shp")
    mapJpn = read_sf("INPUT/gadm36_JPN_shp/gadm36_JPN_1.shp")
    sFigureFileDirName = paste0("FIG/", sFileDirNameSplit[2], "_", sFileDirNameSplit[4], "_", sFigureType, "_", sDateTimeKst, ".png")


    • L2 자료를 이용한 맵핑

      • 지표면 온도에 대한 등치선으로 맵핑

      • 대한민국/북한/일본 Shp

    # Map Visualization Using ggplot2
    ggplot() + 
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1.1) +
        theme_bw() +
        geom_tile(data = dfDataL2, aes(x = nLon, y = nLat, fill = nVal)) +
        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = cbMatlab, limits=c(285, 305), breaks = seq(285, 305, 5), na.value = cbMatlab[length(cbMatlab)]) +
        geom_sf(data = mapKor, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        geom_sf(data = mapPrk, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        geom_sf(data = mapJpn, color = "black", fill = NA) +
        metR::scale_x_longitude(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = seq(124, 132, 2), limits = c(124, 132)) +
        metR::scale_y_latitude(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = seq(32, 40, 1), limits = c(33, 39)) +
        labs(x = ""
             , y = ""
             , fill = ""
             , colour = ""
             , title  = ""
        ) +
            plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 18, color = "black")
            , axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 18, colour = "black")
            , axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black", angle = 90)
            , axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black")
            , axis.text.y = element_text(face = "bold", size=18, colour = "black")
            , legend.position = c(1, 1.03)
            , legend.justification = c(1, 1)
            , legend.key = element_blank()
            , legend.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold")
            , legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14, colour = "black")
            , legend.background=element_blank()
            , text=element_text(family = font)
            , plot.margin = unit(c(0, 8, 0, 0), "mm")
        ) +
        ggsave(filename = sFigureFileDirName, width = 8, height = 10, dpi = 600)


    • 역거리 가중치

    그림. 2019년 07월 03일 09시 00분에 KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료 및 역거리 가중치 공간 내삽을 이용한 지표면 온도 가시화.


    • 선형 내삽

    그림. 2019년 07월 03일 09시 00분에 KLAPS 수치예측 모델 자료 및 선형 내삽을 이용한 지표면 온도 가시화.




     참고 문헌


    • 없음


    • 없음


    • 없음



    [기상학/프로그래밍 언어]

    • sangho.lee.1990@gmail.com


    • saimang0804@gmail.com
    • 네이버 블러그 공유하기
    • 네이버 밴드에 공유하기
    • 페이스북 공유하기
    • 카카오스토리 공유하기