
    • 업무명    : 아이디엘 HDF 형식인 Aqua·Terra/MODIS 극궤도 기상 위성 자료를 이용한 에어로졸 광학두께 가시화

    • 작성자    : 이상호

    • 작성일    : 2020-03-25

    • 설   명    :

    • 수정이력 :




    • 안녕하세요? 기상 연구 및 웹 개발을 담당하고 있는 해솔입니다.

    • 대학원 석사 1학기에 배운 지구물리 원격탐사에 대한 실습 내용을 다루고자 합니다.

    • 오늘 포스팅에서는 HDF 형식인 Aqua·Terra/MODIS 극궤도 기상 위성 자료를 이용한 에어로졸 광학두께 가시화를 소개해 드리고자 합니다.

    • 추가로 지구물리 원격탐사에 대한 이론적 배경을 소개한 링크를 보내드립니다.


    [강릉원주대 대기환경과학과] 2015년 2학기 전선 지구물리 원격탐사 소개 및 과제물

    정보 업무명 : 2015년 2학기 전선 지구물리 원격탐사 소개 및 과제물 작성자 : 이상호 작성일 : 2019-12-20 설 명 : 수정이력 : 내용 [특징] 지구물리 원격탐사 수업에 대한 이해를 돕기위해 작성 [기능] 소개 주..




    • HDF 극궤도 기상 위성 자료를 이용하여 정성적으로 가시화하기 위한 도구가 필요하며 이 프로그램은 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 고안된 소프트웨어



    • Aqua/MODIS 및 Terra/MODIS 극궤도 기상 위성 자료에 대한 위/경도 및 에어로졸 광학두께 읽기

    • 에어로졸 광학두께 가시화 및 이미지 저장


    [활용 자료]

    • 자료명 : MYD04_L2.A2012289.0455.051.2012289222139.hdf

    • 자료 종류 : 에어로졸 광학두께

    • 확장자 : HDF

    • 영역 : 전지구

    • 기간 : 2012년 10월 15일 17:00 UTC
                 2003년 04월 22일 17:30 UTC

    • 시간 해상도 : 하루에 2번 관측

    • 제공처 : NASA




    • 입력 자료를 동일 디렉터리에 위치

    • 소스 코드를 실행 (idl -e Visualization_Using_MODIS_Aerosol_Data)

    • 가시화 결과를 확인


    [사용 OS]

    • Linux

    • Windows 10


    [사용 언어]

    • IDL v8.5


     소스 코드

    • 해당 작업을 하기 위한 컴파일 및 실행 코드는 IDL로 작성되었으며 가시화를 위한 라이브러리는 CIMSS/SSEC Library를 이용하였습니다.

    • 소스 코드는 단계별로 수행하며 상세 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

      • 1 단계는 주 프로그램은 작업 경로 설정, HDF 파일 읽기, 변수 전처리하여 메모리상에 저장하고 가시화를 위한 초기 설정합니다.

      • 일반적으로 포스트 스크립트 (PS) 형식에서 PNG로 변환하나 오랜 시간이 소요되는 단점이 있습니다. 따라서 2 단계에서는 imagemap를 통해 영상 표출하여 이미지 형식으로 저장합니다. 



    • 전역 변수 설정

      • 결측값 (fillvnan), 최소값 (small), 그림 창 크기 (nxsize, nysize)

      • 입력 자료 선택 옵션 (iop_aqua)에 따라 설정

        • 즉 0인 경우 Terra와 Aqua 위성이고 1 및 2에서는 각각 Aqua 위성 및 Terra 위성을 의미 

    nxsize=800 & nysize=800
    case iop_aqua of
       0: begin
          filterstr='M*.hdf' ; Terra and Aqua MODIS data
       1: begin
          filterstr='MYD04*.hdf' ; Aqua/MODIS Aerosol data only
       2: begin
          filterstr='MOD04*.hdf' ; Terra/MODIS Aerosol data only
       else: begin
          filterstr='*.hdf' ; any hdf file


    • MODIS (MOD04*) 파일 설정 및 파일 찾기

      • dialog_pickfile를 통해 별도의 검색 창에서 선택

    print, "pname : " + pname
    pn_modin=dialog_pickfile(path=pname, filter=filterstr)



    • 파일명 (pn_modis)에서 패턴 추출 및 이미지 저장 파일 (fn_img0) 설정

    reads, iyrmodstr, iyrin, format='(i4)'



    • HDF 파일 읽기 및 변수 전처리

      • read_single_MOD04_sds를 통해 육/해상 에어로졸 광학두께  변수 선택

    read_single_MOD04_sds, pn_modin, target_sds_name_in, ndim_op_aot550, op_aot550, ndim_latlon, xlat_mod, xlon_mod


    • 관심 영역 (ROI)에서 에어로졸 광학두께 평균 계산

    locx=where(xlat_mod ge 36. and xlat_mod lt 38. and xlon_mod ge 125. and xlon_mod lt 128., nlocx)
    caot = op_aot550[locx]
    avg = mean(caot, /nan)
    print, 'avg=', avg


    • 가시화를 위한 초기 설정

      • 폰트 설정

      • loadct를 통해 컬러바 설정

    loadct, 39  ; load color table


    • 에어로졸 광학두께를 위한 설정 및 가시화

      • imagemap를 통해 위도 (lon), 경도 (lat)에 따른 에어로졸 광학두께 (aod) 맵핑

      • saveimage를 통해 png 형식으로 이미지 저장

    window, 0, xsize=nxsize, ysize=nysize
    device, decomposed=0
    nxx_mod=ndim_latlon[0] & nyy_mod=ndim_latlon[1]
    minx=0.0 & maxx=2.0
    delclev = (maxx - minx)/nclev
    lat=congrid(xlat_mod, mag*nxx_mod, mag*nyy_mod, /interp)
    lon=congrid(xlon_mod, mag*nxx_mod, mag*nyy_mod, /interp)
    aod=congrid(op_aot550, mag*nxx_mod, mag*nyy_mod,/minus_one)
    locfill=where(aod ge maxx-delclev,nlocfill)
    if(nlocfill gt 0) then aod[locfill]=maxx-delclev
    map_set, limit=plotlimit, /noborder, /cylindrical, xmargin=2, ymargin=5, /isotropic
    imagemap, aod, lat, lon, range=[minx,maxx], limit=plotlimit, missing=0 $
            , /noborder, /current, title=titlestr, /isotropic, position=[.01,.2,.99,.95]
    color = !d.table_size -1
    map_continents, color=color, /countries, /coasts, /hires
    map_grid, color=color, latdel=latlon_intvl, londel=latlon_intvl, charsize=1.2, charthick=2.0, /box_axes
    colorbar, position=[0.2,0.05,0.8,0.08], range=[minx,maxx] $
            , /horizontal, background=0, color=255, divisions=ndivbar $
            , ticknames=ticknames, format='(f4.1)'
    if(iop_img eq 1) then saveimage, fn_img0, /png


    • Aqua/MODIS를 이용한 에어로졸 광학두께


    • Terra/MODIS를 이용한 에어로졸 광학두께


    • 가시화에 필요한 라이브러리

    pro read_single_MOD04_sds, pn_modin, target_sds_name_in, ndim_target_sds, target_sds, ndim_latlon, xlat_mod, xlon_mod
    ; open Level 2 MODIS aerosol data(MOD04_L2 or MYD04_L2) - hdf file
    print, "pn_modin : ", pn_modin
    ; Latitude
    index =  hdf_sd_nametoindex(fidmod, 'Latitude')
    sdsid = hdf_sd_select(fidmod, index)
    hdf_sd_getinfo, sdsid, name=name, ndims=ndims, natts=natts, dims=dims
    if( natts gt 0 ) then begin
       idfill  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'_FillValue')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idfill, data=fillv_modis
       idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'scale_factor')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=sf_modis
       idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'valid_range')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=vrng_modis
    hdf_sd_getdata, sdsid, data
    hdf_sd_endaccess, sdsid
    bd=where(data eq fillv_modis[0] or data lt vrng_modis[0] or data gt vrng_modis[1],nbd)
    if(nbd gt 0) then xlat_mod[bd]=fillvnan
    ; Longitude
    index =  hdf_sd_nametoindex(fidmod, 'Longitude')
    sdsid = hdf_sd_select(fidmod, index)
    hdf_sd_getinfo, sdsid, name=name, ndims=ndims, natts=natts, dims=dims
    if( natts gt 0 ) then begin
       idfill  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'_FillValue')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idfill, data=fillv_modis
       idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'scale_factor')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=sf_modis
       idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'valid_range')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=vrng_modis
    hdf_sd_getdata, sdsid, data
    hdf_sd_endaccess, sdsid
    bd=where(data eq fillv_modis[0] or data lt vrng_modis[0] or data gt vrng_modis[1],nbd)
    if(nbd gt 0) then xlon_mod[bd]=fillvnan
    ; Target SDS
    index =  hdf_sd_nametoindex(fidmod, target_sds_name_in)
    sdsid = hdf_sd_select(fidmod, index)
    hdf_sd_getinfo, sdsid, name=name, ndims=ndims, natts=natts, dims=dims
    if( natts gt 0 ) then begin
       idfill  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'_FillValue')
       hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idfill, data=fillv_modis
       if( natts gt 3 ) then begin
          idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'scale_factor')
          hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=sf_modis
          idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'add_offset')
          hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=offset_modis
          idscl  = hdf_sd_attrfind(sdsid,'valid_range')
          hdf_sd_attrinfo, sdsid, idscl, data=vrng_modis
    hdf_sd_getdata, sdsid, data
    hdf_sd_endaccess, sdsid
    if( natts gt 3 ) then begin
       bd=where(data eq fillv_modis[0] or data lt vrng_modis[0] or data gt vrng_modis[1],nbd)
       if(nbd gt 0) then target_sds[bd]=fillvnan
    endif else begin
       bd=where(abs(data-fillv_modis[0]) le small,nbd)
       if(nbd gt 0) then target_sds[bd]=fillvnan
    ; conserve memory
    ; closing the hdf file & the end of data file access
    hdf_sd_end, fidmod
    ; The end of subroutine reading selected SDS from MOD08M3
    ; Compute Julian day for a given date (month, day)
    function mmdd2jd, ileap, imo, ida
    case ileap of
       0: begin
       1: begin
       else: begin
          print, 'Error in ILEAP value - out of range'
    jday = day2add[imo-1]+ida
    return, jday
    ;- Check arguments
    if (n_params() ne 1) then $
      message, 'Usage: SAVEIMAGE, FILE'
    if (n_elements(file) eq 0) then $
      message, 'Argument FILE is undefined'
    if (n_elements(quality) eq 0) then quality = 75
    ;- Get output file type
    output = 'JPEG'
    if keyword_set(bmp)  then output = 'BMP'
    if keyword_set(png)  then output = 'PNG'
    if keyword_set(gif)  then output = 'GIF'
    if keyword_set(jpeg) then output = 'JPEG'
    if keyword_set(tiff) then output = 'TIFF'
    ;- Check if GIF output is available
    version = float(!version.release)
    if (version ge 5.4) and (output eq 'GIF') then $
      message, 'GIF output is not available'
    ;- Get contents of graphics window,
    ;- and color table if needed
    image = screenread(depth=depth)
    if (depth le 8) then tvlct, r, g, b, /get
    ;- Write 8-bit output file
    if (output eq 'BMP') or $
       (output eq 'PNG') or $
       (output eq 'GIF') then begin
      ;- If image depth is 24-bit, convert to 8-bit
      if (depth gt 8) then begin
        case keyword_set(cube) of
          0 : image = color_quan(image, 1, r, g, b, $
                colors=256, dither=keyword_set(dither))
          1 : image = color_quan(image, 1, r, g, b, cube=6)
      ;- Reverse PNG image order if required
      if (output eq 'PNG') and (version le 5.3) then $
        image = reverse(temporary(image), 2)
      ;- Save the image
      case output of
        'BMP'  : write_bmp, file, image, r, g, b
        'PNG'  : write_png, file, image, r, g, b
        'GIF'  : write_gif, file, image, r, g, b
    ;- Write 24-bit output file
    if (output eq 'JPEG') or $
       (output eq 'TIFF') then begin
      ;- Convert 8-bit image to 24-bit
      if (depth le 8) then begin
        info = size(image)
        nx = info[1]
        ny = info[2]
        true = bytarr(3, nx, ny)
        true[0, *, *] = r[image]
        true[1, *, *] = g[image]
        true[2, *, *] = b[image]
        image = temporary(true)
      ;- Reverse TIFF image order
      if (output eq 'TIFF') then $
        image = reverse(temporary(image), 3)
      ;- Write the image
      case output of
        'JPEG' : write_jpeg, file, image, $
                   true=1, quality=quality
        'TIFF' : write_tiff, file, image, 1
    ;- Report to user
    if (keyword_set(quiet) eq 0) then $
      print, file, output, $
        format='("Created ",a," in ",a," format")'
    ;- Check arguments
    if (n_elements(x0) eq 0) then x0 = 0
    if (n_elements(y0) eq 0) then y0 = 0
    if (n_elements(nx) eq 0) then nx = !d.x_vsize - x0
    if (n_elements(ny) eq 0) then ny = !d.y_vsize - y0
    ;- Check for TVRD capable device
    tvrd_true = !d.flags and 128
    if (tvrd_true eq 0) then message, $
      'TVRD is not supported on this device: ' + !d.name
    ;- On devices which support windows, check for open window
    win_true = !d.flags and 256
    if (win_true gt 0) and (!d.window lt 0) then message, $
      'No graphics window are open'
    ;- Get IDL version number
    version = float(!version.release)
    ;- Get display depth
    depth = 8
    if (win_true gt 0) then begin
      if (version ge 5.1) then begin
        device, get_visual_depth=depth
      endif else begin
        if (!d.n_colors gt 256) then depth = 24
    ;- Set decomposed color mode on 24-bit displays
    if (depth gt 8) then begin
      entry_decomposed = 0
      if (version gt 5.1) then $
        device, get_decomposed=entry_decomposed
      device, decomposed=1
    ;- Get the contents of the window
    if (depth gt 8) then true = 1 else true = 0
    image = tvrd(x0, y0, nx, ny, order=0, true=true)
    ;- Restore decomposed color mode on 24-bit displays
    if (depth gt 8) then device, decomposed=entry_decomposed
    ;- Return result to caller
    return, image
    pro imagemap, image, lat, lon, newimage = newimage, range = range, $
      limit = limit, position = position, isotropic = isotropic, title = title, $
      xoffset = xoffset, yoffset = yoffset, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, $
      missing = missing, noborder = noborder, noerase = noerase, lowres = lowres, $
      current = current
    ;   Display an image which has latitude and longitude defined for
    ;   each pixel on a map projection. If a map projection is not currently
    ;   defined, then a Mercator map projection is created which corresponds to
    ;   the lat/lon limits of the image.
    ;   IMAGE      Array (2D) or vector (1D) of image values
    ;   LAT        Array or vector of latitudes corresponding to image values
    ;              (degrees, -90.0 = S, +90.0 = N)
    ;   LON        Array or vector of longitudes corresponding to image values
    ;              (degrees, -180.0 = W, +180.0 = E)
    ;   NEWIMAGE   Named variable in which resampled image array is returned.
    ;              Note that this image is always scaled to a BYTE array.
    ;   RANGE      Range of image values used for brightness scaling, [MIN,MAX]
    ;              (default is [MIN(IMAGE),MAX(IMAGE)])
    ;   LIMIT      Limits of map display, [LATMIN,LONMIN,LATMAX,LONMAX]
    ;              (default is [MIN(LAT),MIN(LON),MAX(LAT),MAX(LON)])
    ;   POSITION   Normalized coordinates for map display window [X1,Y1,X2,Y2]
    ;              (default is to let MAP_SET determine the window size)
    ;              This is useful when used in conjunction with the
    ;              ESRG BOXPOS procedure. For example,
    ;              IMAGEMAP, IMAGE, LAT, LON, POS = BOXPOS( /RMARG )
    ;              will leave room at the right for a COLOR_KEY colorbar.
    ;   ISOTROPIC  If set, creates an isotropic map projection (default=non-isotropic).
    ;   TITLE      String variable containing image title (default=no title).
    ;   XOFFSET    Named variable in which the lower left device X coordinate
    ;              of the displayed image is returned.
    ;   YOFFSET    Named variable in which the lower left device Y coordinate
    ;              of the displayed image is returned.
    ;   XSIZE      Named variable in which the width of the displayed image
    ;              is returned (used by devices which have scalable pixels
    ;              such as Postscript).
    ;   YSIZE      Named variable in which the height of the displayed image
    ;              is returned (used by devices which have scalable pixels
    ;              such as Postscript).
    ;   MISSING    Byte value to use for missing (unfilled) portions of image
    ;              (default is zero).
    ;   NOBORDER   If set, do not draw border around image (default=draw border).
    ;   NOERASE    If set, do not erase window before creating image (default=erase).
    ;   LOWRES     If set, draw image in low resolution mode (default=high resolution).
    ;   CURRENT    If set, use the current map projection.
    ;   The resampled image is displayed in the current graphics window
    ;   in map coordinates. Continental outlines and lat/lon grids may be
    ;   overlaid with MAP_CONTINENTS AND MAP_GRID.
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 26-JUL-1996
    ;   liam.gumley@ssec.wisc.edu
    ;   http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/~gumley/index.html
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 17-SEP-1996
    ;   Modified to work with Postscript output.
    ;   Added XOFFSET, YOFFSET, XSIZE, YSIZE keywords.
    ;   Mercator map projection is now created only if no map projection exists.
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 15-OCT-1996
    ;   Added MISSING keyword to set missing values in image.
    ;   Added NOBORDER keyword.
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 25-NOV-1996
    ;   Now uses MISSING keyword properly.
    ;   Added NOERASE keyword.
    ;   Added LOWRES keyword (useful for low resolution images, e.g. HIRS, AMSU).
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 26-MAR-1999
    ;   Now uses NOERASE keyword properly.
    ;   Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC, 13-AUG-1999
    ;   Added CURRENT keyword.
    ;   (1) Hermann Mannstein (h.mannstein@dlr.de) suggested this IDL method.
    ;   (2) This has been tested on MAS, AVHRR, GOES, and simulated MODIS data.
    ;       It will not work well on low resolution data like HIRS or MSU.
    ;   (3) You might run into problems with data over the poles - I've only
    ;       tried mid-latitude imagery.
    ;   (4) This procedure was designed for display purposes *only*.
    ;       If you use the resampled data for any other purpose, you do so at
    ;       your own risk.
    ;   (5) The example takes about 15.6 seconds to execute
    ;       on a SGI Power Indigo2 (R8000/75MHz) with 256 MB RAM.
    ;; This example is adopted from the ESRG library 'REGRID' procedure.
    ;; First, create latitude, longitude, and image arrays at 250x200 size.
    ;c = complex(2,2) + cmplxgen(250,200,/center)/100
    ;c = c + c^2
    ;lon = float(c) - 100.0
    ;lat = 20 + imaginary(c)
    ;image = sqrt(abs(sin(lon*!pi)*sin(lat*!pi)))^0.3 
    ;; Resize arrays to simulate 1km resolution imagery.
    ;lat = congrid(lat,1000,800,interp=1)
    ;lon = congrid(lon,1000,800,interp=1)
    ;image = congrid(image,1000,800,interp=1)
    ;; Resample data to Mercator projection, and overlay coastline and grid
    ;t0 = systime(1.0)
    ;print,'Elapsed time (sec) = ',systime(1.0)-t0
    ;- check limit keyword
    if keyword_set( limit ) then begin
      if n_elements( limit ) ne 4 then $
        message, 'LIMIT must be a 4 element vector of the form [LATMIN,LONMIN,LATMAX,LONMAX]'
      latmin = limit( 0 )
      lonmin = limit( 1 )
      latmax = limit( 2 )
      lonmax = limit( 3 )
    endif else begin
      latmin = min( lat, max = latmax )
      lonmin = min( lon, max = lonmax )
    ;- check keywords
    if not keyword_set( isotropic ) then isotropic = 0
    if not keyword_set( noerase ) then noerase = 0
    if n_elements( title ) eq 0 then title = ' '
    if n_elements( missing ) eq 0 then missing = 0B
    missing = byte( ( missing > 0 ) < ( !d.table_size - 1 ) )
    ;- create Mercator map projection if necessary after checking position keyword
    if not keyword_set( current ) then begin
      if n_elements( position ) gt 0 then begin
        if n_elements( position ) ne 4 then $
          message, 'POSITION must be a 4 element vector of the form [X1,Y1,X2,Y2]'
        map_set, /mercator, limit = [ latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax ], $
          title = title, isotropic = isotropic, position = position, /noborder, $
          noerase = noerase
      endif else begin
        map_set, /mercator, limit = [ latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax ], $
          title = title, isotropic = isotropic, /noborder, $
          noerase = noerase
    ;- compute scaling range for byte image after checking range keyword
    if keyword_set( range ) then begin
      if n_elements( range ) ne 2 then $
        message, 'RANGE must be a 2 element vector of the form [MIN,MAX]'
      imin = range( 0 )
      imax = range( 1 )
    endif else begin
      imin = min( image, max = imax )
    ;- set number of samples and lines for warped image
    ns = !d.x_size
    nl = !d.y_size
    if ( !d.flags and 1 ) then begin
      ns = 640L
      nl = long( float( ns ) * float( !d.y_size ) / float( !d.x_size ) )
    ;- create resampled byte image
    p = convert_coord( lon, lat, /data, /to_normal )
    newimage = replicate( 0B, ns, nl )
    newimage( p( 0, * ) * ( ns - 1 ), p( 1, * ) * ( nl - 1 ) ) = $
      bytscl( image, min = imin, max = imax, top = !d.table_size - 2 ) + 1B
    ;- extract portion of image which fits within map boundaries
    x = !x.window * ns
    y = !y.window * nl
    newimage = temporary( newimage( x(0):x(1), y(0):y(1) ) )
    ;- compute image offset and size (device coordinates)
    p = convert_coord( [ x(0), x(1) ] / float( ns ), [ y(0), y(1) ] / float( nl ), $
      /normal, /to_device )
    xoffset = p(0,0)
    yoffset = p(1,0)
    xsize = p(0,1) - p(0,0)
    ysize = p(1,1) - p(1,0)
    ;- fill holes in resampled image
    nxr = 2
    nyr = 2
    if keyword_set( lowres ) then begin
      nxr = 5
      nyr = 5
      if ( !d.flags and 1 ) then begin
        nxr = 7
        nyr = 7
    fill = dilate( newimage, replicate( 1, nxr, nyr ), /gray )
    loc = where( ( fill ge 1b ) and ( newimage eq 0 ), count )
    if count ge 1 then newimage( loc ) = fill( loc )
    fill = 0
    ;- fill remaining undefined areas of image with the missing value
    loc = where( newimage eq 0B, count )
    if ( count ge 1 ) and ( missing gt 0B) then newimage( loc ) = missing
    ;- display resampled image
    tv, newimage, xoffset, yoffset, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize
    ;- draw map borders
    if not keyword_set( noborder ) then begin
      plots, [ p(0,0), p(0,1) ], [ p(1,0), p(1,0) ], /device
      plots, [ p(0,1), p(0,1) ], [ p(1,0), p(1,1) ], /device
      plots, [ p(0,1), p(0,0) ], [ p(1,1), p(1,1) ], /device
      plots, [ p(0,0), p(0,0) ], [ p(1,1), p(1,0) ], /device
    ; NAME:
    ;   COLORBAR
    ; PURPOSE:
    ;       The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current
    ;       graphics window.
    ; AUTHOR:
    ;   David Fanning, Ph.D.
    ;   1645 Sheely Drive
    ;   Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
    ;   Phone: 970-221-0438
    ;   E-mail: davidf@dfanning.com
    ;   Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/
    ;       Graphics, Widgets.
    ;       COLORBAR
    ; INPUTS:
    ;       None.
    ;       BOTTOM:       The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in
    ;                     the bar.
    ;       CHARSIZE:     The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is 1.0.
    ;       COLOR:        The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default
    ;                     is !P.Color..
    ;       DIVISIONS:     The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will
    ;                     be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6.
    ;       FONT:         Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1.
    ;       FORMAT:       The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I5)'.
    ;       INVERTCOLORS: Setting this keyword inverts the colors in the color bar.
    ;       MAXRANGE:     The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is
    ;                     NCOLORS.
    ;       MINRANGE:     The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0.
    ;       MINOR:        The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2.
    ;       NCOLORS:      This is the number of colors in the color bar.
    ;       POSITION:     A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same
    ;                     form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is
    ;                     [0.88, 0.10, 0.95, 0.90] for a vertical bar and
    ;                     [0.10, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95] for a horizontal bar.
    ;       RANGE:        A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an
    ;                     alternative way of setting the MINRANGE and MAXRANGE keywords.
    ;       RIGHT:        This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical
    ;                     color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars.
    ;       TICKNAMES:    A string array of names or values for the tick marks.
    ;       TITLE:        This is title for the color bar. The default is to have
    ;                     no title.
    ;       TOP:          This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it.
    ;                     The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered.
    ;       VERTICAL:     Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default
    ;                     is a horizontal color bar.
    ;       None.
    ;       Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window.
    ;       The number of colors available on the display device (not the
    ;       PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used.
    ; EXAMPLE:
    ;       To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type:
    ;       LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100
    ;       CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $
    ;          C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25
    ;       COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90]
    ;       Written by: David W. Fanning, 10 JUNE 96.
    ;       10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF
    ;       11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript
    ;           file without having to know much about the PostScript device
    ;           or even what the current graphics device is. DWF
    ;       1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the
    ;            way the TITLE keyword works. DWF
    ;       7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have
    ;            no valid data range in them. DWF
    ;       12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that
    ;            seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF.
    ;       1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF.
    ;       3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF.
    ;       3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF.
    ;       3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF.
    ;       3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF
    ;       5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF.
    ;       5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF.
    ;       5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF.
    ;       5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF.
    ;       5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF.
    ;       2/9/99: Fixed a problem caused by setting BOTTOM keyword, but not NCOLORS. DWF.
    ;       8/17/99. Fixed a problem with ambiguous MIN and MINOR keywords. DWF
    ;       8/25/99. I think I *finally* got the BOTTOM/NCOLORS thing sorted out. :-( DWF.
    ;       10/10/99. Modified the program so that current plot and map coordinates are
    ;            saved and restored after the colorbar is drawn. DWF.
    ;       3/18/00. Moved a block of code to prevent a problem with color decomposition. DWF.
    ;       4/28/00. Made !P.Font default value for FONT keyword. DWF.
    ;       9/26/00. Made the code more general for scalable pixel devices. DWF.
    ;       1/16/01. Added INVERTCOLORS keyword. DWF.
    ;       5/11/04. Added TICKNAME keyword. DWF.
    ; This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software.
    ; OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.
    ; Copyright � 2000-2004 Fanning Software Consulting.
    ; This software is provided "as-is", without any express or
    ; implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable
    ; for any damages arising from the use of this software.
    ; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
    ; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
    ; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
    ; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
    ;    not claim you wrote the original software. If you use this software
    ;    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
    ;    would be appreciated, but is not required.
    ; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
    ;    not be misrepresented as being the original software.
    ; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
    ; For more information on Open Source Software, visit the Open Source
    ; web site: http://www.opensource.org.
    PRO COLORBAR, BOTTOM=bottom, CHARSIZE=charsize, COLOR=color, DIVISIONS=divisions, $
       FORMAT=format, POSITION=position, MAXRANGE=maxrange, MINRANGE=minrange, NCOLORS=ncolors, $
       TITLE=title, VERTICAL=vertical, TOP=top, RIGHT=right, MINOR=minor, $
       RANGE=range, FONT=font, TICKLEN=ticklen, _EXTRA=extra, INVERTCOLORS=invertcolors, $
       ; Return to caller on error.
    On_Error, 2
       ; Save the current plot state.
    bang_p = !P
    bang_x = !X
    bang_Y = !Y
    bang_Z = !Z
    bang_Map = !Map
       ; Are scalable pixels available on the device?
    IF (!D.Flags AND 1) NE 0 THEN scalablePixels = 1 ELSE scalablePixels = 0
       ; Which release of IDL is this?
    thisRelease = Float(!Version.Release)
        ; Check and define keywords.
       ; Most display devices to not use the 256 colors available to
       ; the PostScript device. This presents a problem when writing
       ; general-purpose programs that can be output to the display or
       ; to the PostScript device. This problem is especially bothersome
       ; if you don't specify the number of colors you are using in the
       ; program. One way to work around this problem is to make the
       ; default number of colors the same for the display device and for
       ; the PostScript device. Then, the colors you see in PostScript are
       ; identical to the colors you see on your display. Here is one way to
       ; do it.
       IF scalablePixels THEN BEGIN
          oldDevice = !D.NAME
             ; What kind of computer are we using? SET_PLOT to appropriate
             ; display device.
          thisOS = !VERSION.OS_FAMILY
          thisOS = STRMID(thisOS, 0, 3)
          thisOS = STRUPCASE(thisOS)
          CASE thisOS of
             'MAC': SET_PLOT, thisOS
             'WIN': SET_PLOT, thisOS
             ELSE: SET_PLOT, 'X'
             ; Here is how many colors we should use.
          ncolors = !D.TABLE_SIZE
          SET_PLOT, oldDevice
        ENDIF ELSE ncolors = !D.TABLE_SIZE
    IF N_ELEMENTS(bottom) EQ 0 THEN bottom = 0B
    IF N_ELEMENTS(charsize) EQ 0 THEN charsize = 1.0
    IF N_ELEMENTS(format) EQ 0 THEN format = '(I5)'
    IF N_ELEMENTS(color) EQ 0 THEN color = !P.Color
    IF N_ELEMENTS(minrange) EQ 0 THEN minrange = 0
    IF N_ELEMENTS(maxrange) EQ 0 THEN maxrange = ncolors
    IF N_ELEMENTS(ticklen) EQ 0 THEN ticklen = 0.2
    IF N_ELEMENTS(minor) EQ 0 THEN minor = 2
       minrange = range[0]
       maxrange = range[1]
    IF N_ELEMENTS(divisions) EQ 0 THEN divisions = 6
    IF N_ELEMENTS(font) EQ 0 THEN font = !P.Font
    IF N_ELEMENTS(title) EQ 0 THEN title = ''
    ; You can't have a format set *and* use ticknames.
    IF N_ELEMENTS(ticknames) NE 0 THEN format = ""
       bar = REPLICATE(1B,20) # BINDGEN(ncolors)
       IF Keyword_Set(invertcolors) THEN bar = Reverse(bar, 2)
       IF N_ELEMENTS(position) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
          position = [0.88, 0.1, 0.95, 0.9]
          IF position[2]-position[0] GT position[3]-position[1] THEN BEGIN
             position = [position[1], position[0], position[3], position[2]]
          IF position[0] GE position[2] THEN Message, "Position coordinates can't be reconciled."
          IF position[1] GE position[3] THEN Message, "Position coordinates can't be reconciled."
       bar = BINDGEN(ncolors) # REPLICATE(1B, 20)
       IF Keyword_Set(invertcolors) THEN bar = Reverse(bar, 1)
       IF N_ELEMENTS(position) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN
          position = [0.1, 0.88, 0.9, 0.95]
          IF position[3]-position[1] GT position[2]-position[0] THEN BEGIN
             position = [position[1], position[0], position[3], position[2]]
          IF position[0] GE position[2] THEN Message, "Position coordinates can't be reconciled."
          IF position[1] GE position[3] THEN Message, "Position coordinates can't be reconciled."
       ; Scale the color bar.
     bar = BYTSCL(bar, TOP=(ncolors-1 < (255-bottom))) + bottom
       ; Get starting locations in NORMAL coordinates.
    xstart = position(0)
    ystart = position(1)
       ; Get the size of the bar in NORMAL coordinates.
    xsize = (position(2) - position(0))
    ysize = (position(3) - position(1))
       ; Display the color bar in the window. Sizing is
       ; different for PostScript and regular display.
    IF scalablePixels THEN BEGIN
       TV, bar, xstart, ystart, XSIZE=xsize, YSIZE=ysize, /Normal
       bar = CONGRID(bar, CEIL(xsize*!D.X_VSize), CEIL(ysize*!D.Y_VSize), /INTERP)
            ; Decomposed color off if device supports it.
       CASE  StrUpCase(!D.NAME) OF
            'X': BEGIN
                IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Get_Decomposed=thisDecomposed
                Device, Decomposed=0
            'WIN': BEGIN
                IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Get_Decomposed=thisDecomposed
                Device, Decomposed=0
            'MAC': BEGIN
                IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Get_Decomposed=thisDecomposed
                Device, Decomposed=0
       TV, bar, xstart, ystart, /Normal
          ; Restore Decomposed state if necessary.
       CASE StrUpCase(!D.NAME) OF
          'X': BEGIN
             IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Decomposed=thisDecomposed
          'WIN': BEGIN
             IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Decomposed=thisDecomposed
          'MAC': BEGIN
             IF thisRelease GE 5.2 THEN Device, Decomposed=thisDecomposed
       ; Annotate the color bar.
          PLOT, [minrange,maxrange], [minrange,maxrange], /NODATA, XTICKS=1, $
             YTICKS=divisions, XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=9, $
             POSITION=position, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, /NOERASE, $
             YTICKFORMAT='(A1)', XTICKFORMAT='(A1)', YTICKLEN=ticklen , $
             YRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], FONT=font, _EXTRA=extra, YMINOR=minor
          AXIS, YAXIS=1, YRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], YTICKFORMAT=format, YTICKS=divisions, $
             YTICKLEN=ticklen, YSTYLE=1, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, $
             FONT=font, YTITLE=title, _EXTRA=extra, YMINOR=minor, YTICKNAME=ticknames
          PLOT, [minrange,maxrange], [minrange,maxrange], /NODATA, XTICKS=1, $
             YTICKS=divisions, XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=9, YMINOR=minor, $
             POSITION=position, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, /NOERASE, $
             YTICKFORMAT=format, XTICKFORMAT='(A1)', YTICKLEN=ticklen , $
             YRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], FONT=font, YTITLE=title, _EXTRA=extra, $
          AXIS, YAXIS=1, YRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], YTICKFORMAT='(A1)', YTICKS=divisions, $
             YTICKLEN=ticklen, YSTYLE=1, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, $
             FONT=font, _EXTRA=extra, YMINOR=minor
          PLOT, [minrange,maxrange], [minrange,maxrange], /NODATA, XTICKS=divisions, $
             YTICKS=1, XSTYLE=9, YSTYLE=1, $
             POSITION=position, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, /NOERASE, $
             YTICKFORMAT='(A1)', XTICKFORMAT='(A1)', XTICKLEN=ticklen, $
             XRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], FONT=font, _EXTRA=extra, XMINOR=minor
          AXIS, XTICKS=divisions, XSTYLE=1, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, $
             XTICKFORMAT=format, XTICKLEN=ticklen, XRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], XAXIS=1, $
             FONT=font, XTITLE=title, _EXTRA=extra, XCHARSIZE=charsize, XMINOR=minor, $
          PLOT, [minrange,maxrange], [minrange,maxrange], /NODATA, XTICKS=divisions, $
             YTICKS=1, XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=1, TITLE=title, $
             POSITION=position, COLOR=color, CHARSIZE=charsize, /NOERASE, $
             YTICKFORMAT='(A1)', XTICKFORMAT=format, XTICKLEN=ticklen, $
             XRANGE=[minrange, maxrange], FONT=font, XMinor=minor, _EXTRA=extra, $
       ; Restore the previous plot and map system variables.
    !P = bang_p
    !X = bang_x
    !Y = bang_y
    !Z = bang_z
    !Map = bang_map





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